Welcome to Know-X Database
- provides a basis for exchange of information in the field of falsified medical products and similar crimes
- assists officials by expanding their knowledge and awareness of the problem and allows alerting of the appearance of new trends
- highlights and encourages collaboration between OMCLs, health and law enforcement authorities
- fosters the sharing of analytical information on the testing of falsified and other illegal medicines within the Network of OMCLs.
Users are encouraged to enter as many cases as possible, but at the minimum those they would like to be informed of themselves. The database allows users to issue Rapid Alerts in a harmonised layout. This avoids duplication of work, as feeding of a centralised database and alerting others is done in one step.
Product categories covered are medicines for human and veterinary use, medical devices, food supplements, cosmetics, with the option of adding other product types. Any irregular product that may present a risk to public health should be reported – from classic falsification, to stolen, manipulated/adulterated, deceptive and other products. Next to details on the medical products, cases can also contain technical information on the testing performed, the authorities involved and what actions were taken. The database also features a forum where users can ask questions or share information of interest, related to the problematic of falsified medical products.
If you would like more information on this database, please contact the EDQM at knowx@edqm.eu.
The database is not public and access can be requested by:
- officials from a competent health or law enforcement authority in a Council of Europe member or observer state that is directly involved in fighting falsified medical products and similar crimes, or
- members of the European OMCL Network.